Yesterday was the inauguration of President Obama, and all day I was in a good mood. It’s strange to be in the middle of history, to know that this day will be written about and referenced and spoken of, and to go about your day with that knowledge.
As we Gambells of LA don’t have a television set, Felix and I listened to the ceremony on KCRW (fantastic public radio station here). I know I’m a bleeding heart liberal, but I didn’t realize how much it would affect me. I cried leading up to the ceremony and hearing how excited everyone was, how many people were braving the bitter cold to be there. I cried during the pledge (even with the switched wording blooper). I cried during the President’s speech. To hear him speak, eloquently, intelligently, is such a joy. It’s been so long since I’ve heard a politician, any politician, use language so well, and I thank God, Allah, and Buddha that the country elected this man. Finally a leader who I want to follow. Finally a person who seems to understand the magnitude of the tasks before him. Finally a kindred soul and independent spirit in the white house.
I was thinking about all of this as I was listening and feeding Felix his breakfast (bananas and strawberries and yogurt). There’s a good chance that Obama will be the first President that Felix will remember. Thank goodness he won’t remember any of the George W era. A while ago, my Mum was recalling how on the election night of Reagan over Mondale I had a homework assignment to do. We had to fill in the colors of each of the states. Of course most of my map was colored in red, going to Reagan, and Mum said how depressing it was for her. I don’t remember her being depressed at all, but I do remember coloring in all those GOP states, and feeling sorry for Mondale. That was one of my very first political memories, and definitely my first memory of an election, and I wish it could have been a bit different, a bit more inspiring. I hope that Felix can grow up feeling positive about this country, and inspired by its leaders. I hope he can grow up respecting and looking up to the President. I’m feeling that way now, more patriotic, more optimistic, and it’s a wonderful change.
12 years ago
What a great post Amy!!! I feel the same way & it made me feel more hopeful for our two guys also :) What a depressing assignment that teacher made you do though! Alternative School?
Yeah, it was an Alternative School assignment. I forgive them though, as they let us put on a gadzillion plays and run around without shoes.