Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thar She Blows!

I'm fresh back from an induction at the gym at the local YMCA, a place which has excellent facilities for children (a creche for them while mummy and daddy work out!), and Felix is dancing to Led Zepplin as we get ready for a weekend trip to Bookstar.

The pace with which he seems to quantum leap in developments at the moment really takes me aback, especially as there are those days when I leave for work with the sun still to arrive, the family still asleep, arriving home with the sun long gone and the family...well, asleep.

He is standing unaided, for seconds at a time, granted, but standing, getting himself up and down with great poise and grace. He is chatting - and Amy and I are certain that he is using 'mama' exclusively for her. It certainly sounds different from the baby-jabber.

Also tooth number one has broken (it broke a few days ago, but only in a 'we can feel/sense something' way - now it is out, a little slither, a small tip, out of the gum! Felix certainly seems fascinated with all things tooth-related at the moment also. He has been fantastic at getting himself back to sleep if woken up by the pain of the tooth, with Amy and I laying, listening, ready to help, he tends to make a few grumbles and then gets himself back to sleep.

Well, we have to leave now, so I'll leave you all with a video of the wee man chatting about something obviously very important...



  1. Yea us for joining the gym! Yea you for actually going and working out! Let's hope we can keep it up for awhile.

  2. That's so cool that there is a place for kids there!! I'm sure that it will be so much easier to go if you guys can actually go together! Good luck!

    Peace & Love,

